A trio of teenage girls came into the shop today and they clearly thought they were 'whacky'. I don't like whacky. I despise whacky. It's similar to the concept of 'cool'. Thinking you're cool automatically makes you uncool and the same applies to the theory of being whacky. Underneath the facade of plastic rabbit ears, poorly crayoned face paint, Spongebob rucksacks and colourful jewellery is most likely an unbelievably dull person. Increasing the volume of your voice, saying things like 'that is sooo me' whilst looking at a badge that reads 'drama queen' and squawking the messages of offensive greetings cards so that all around you can hear doesn't make you whacky. It makes you really fucking annoying. I'm sure it's just a phase. If it's not those girls have spinsterhood and cats to look forward to in the adult world.
Slightly less of an irritance than teenagers but still high on my list of peeves is mobile phones, and more specifically the appropriate time for their use. Customers that use them whilst buying something bother me. Firstly, it's rude. The fact that however the customer treats me I generally dislike them is inconsequential. I expect to be acknowledged and not treated as a second rate citizen. After all, good manners cost nothing. Slightly ironic, and rich coming from me but I don't care.
Secondly, and drawing on my extensive research of common sense, using ones mobile phone can majorly hinder the simple act of purchasing something. A customer with common sense would end the call swiftly or explain to the person with whom they were speaking to 'hang on a minute'. The Apes that I have to contend with adopt the classic 'jam the phone between shoulder and cheek technique'. This causes all manner of problems, particularly for ladies whose purses rest among the overcrowded contents of there bucket bag. Tilting ones head 45 degrees has an alarming effect on people. Balance becomes a real issue, the hand can no longer find the pocket and arms wave around as if independent from the rest of the body, though only from the elbow down on the side in which the phone is squashed. The rest of the arm stays glued to the persons torso. It's painful to watch.
One good thing to come out of this week was my first proper chat with Ken since Christmas. As usual we covered nothing new, the weather dominating proceedings with a sprinkle of Reading F.C to mix it up. Ken also made a rare purchase, a 'make tea not war' badge. Twas a gift for a friend he told me. Before he had selected this he asked me what the badge 'birthday slapper' meant. I explained a slapper was 'a girl who is not very nice' so based on my appauling but not completely dishonest definition Ken decided against that design. Nevertheless, the highlight of his visit was that I was able to get some photos of the great man without him even noticing, and he was all of three feet away!
Ken carefully selects his purchase.
He asked me if I liked his hat. I stupidly said I liked the colour.
As you can see, it's black.
He goes a bit shy when I ask him if he likes Cricket. Doesn't
like talking about the unfamiliar does our Ken.
We share a joke.
Charlie, hypnotised by Kens words.
One last thing, went to the Oakford film quiz on Monday night and though our team didn't fare so well in the overall standings, about ninth out of eighteen teams (some of the questions were REALLY hard) we did manage to claim a consolation prize for coming up with the best team name. Christian Bale's Directors of Fucking Photography took home this beautiful garden gnome, which was been signed by each member of the team: Kevin, Col, Izzy, Lizzie, Rizzy (Rachel) and myself.
Isn't he hideous!?
Annoying Recurring Customer Question
"Where is Jessops?"
It's 50 yards down the street! The panic in peoples eyes is ridiculous. Carry on going in a straight line you muppet.
Retail Lesson #4
Never try to explain the irony of the Reading postcards to anyone with a poor grasp of English.
Create a map showing customers how to get to Jessops. It'll probably look like this.
ReplyDeleteDid he teach swimming?
I think he taught me!